Southport Tree Maintenance and Replacement to Begin

The City will be performing tree maintenance consisting of necessary pruning as well as several tree removals in the coming weeks.  Pruning is necessary to remove dead wood in the canopy, particularly in high-traffic public areas such as the Community Center, Franklin Park, Keziah Park, and Lowe-White Park.  

In addition, several dead/declining water oaks will be removed adjacent to the playground and tennis courts on Moore Street as well as three dead pines at Keziah Park and dead branch removal from the Indian Trail oak tree.  The trees removed at the Community Center will be replaced by live oaks during this year’s planting by the City and the Forestry Committee.

Southport was fortunate this past year in that hurricane season passed without a major storm which resulted in funds programmed for tree care not having to be spent for emergency work and debris removal, allowing this much-needed maintenance to take place.  

Selective pruning and removal of dead trees and subsequent planting of young live oaks will ensure that Southport’s signature tree canopy and urban forest will remain healthy and viable for years to come.